A few years ago, somebody asked me if you could be any animal, what would you be?… I said, I would be a bird so I could fly away!!
I’ve faced a lot of hardships in my life. Trying to just get my feet on the ground has been well, like a grueling never ending jigsaw puzzle. Things haven’t been easy at all!! I’ve made it this far, though!! And I *will* continue to trudge through the muddy road on the path to becoming a better version of myself.
I struggled all throughout my years in school. I was slower than most of the students in all of my classes. And my comprehension of trying to remember what I learned, well, it just wasn’t there. Teachers would get frustrated with me. And other students would complain and talk behind my back that I slowed the whole class down. I sometimes would come home from school in tears.
The work world today is not much easier for me. My managers and leads can’t understand why it’s so hard for me to comprehend the simplest things. In some aspects, it has to do with the fact that the anterior section of the corpus callosum in my brain did not form as it should have. From Webster’s Dictionary, the corpus callosum is the great band of commissural fibers uniting the cerebral hemispheres of higher mammals including human.
I have wished so many times that I wasn’t made this way! That it would all go away and people would just stop nagging me with certain statements like “you need to go faster!” or “why don’t you understand how to do this?” and also, “what is so hard about this?… It’s not hard. It’s easy!”
All this leads up to that first statement of wanting to be a bird and just flying away. I don’t want to deal with it most of the time. And it comes down to my thinking of I’m not good enough.
The truth is I am who I am. And that’s ok. What I’m trying to say is, we are all different. We don’t have to be who people *think* we *need* to be. The fact is, this world needs us to be who we are. It doesn’t matter what other people want us to be. And I have to remind myself of this too, we can be who *we* want to be!